Monday, May 16, 2011

The Outreach Phase

Only 7 days and we will be in the Amazon jungle for the start of our outreach phase.  We are feeling excited and yet a little apprehensive at this point.  We are excited for our outreach phase to begin, but we are going to be spending two weeks in the jungle to start.  We think the jungle is an amazing adventure, but it is also hard because it is the polar opposite of everything we are used to in Montana.  The heat in the jungle coupled with the billions of mosquitoes make it tough at times, but we think it is going to be an amazing expreience none the less.  Today we found out who is going to be on our outreach team, (since there are 30 of us we had to break into 3 teams of 10), and we are excited because we have a good team.  Please be praying for us throughout these next several of weeks, both for our spiritual and physical well-being.  We suspect that another person on our team may be in the begining stages of dengue and many others have been fighting sickness as well.  We really want to be at full strength when we go into the outreach and we could really use all of your prayers.  Also pray for me because I am going to be the primary translator for our team.  I am nervous about this but I know god is going to use it to grow me in many ways.  Luckily, there are two other individuals that are going to be doing some translating as well. 

Here is a schedule of where we are going to be heading over the next 2 1/2 months:

Two weeks in the Amazon Jungle (Peru)
One week in Iquitos (Peru)
One week in Chiclayo (Peru)
One week in Arequipa (Peru)
One week in Cochabamba (Bolivia)
One week in Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
One week in La Paz (Bolivia)
One week in Cuzco (Peru)
One week in Lima (Peru)
Back to Iquitos for graduation

We are excited about our schedule and for what God is going to do in and through us during this time.  Pray that we would be growing in our faith daily and that we would be able to share the love of Christ with everyone we come into contact with.  We love you all.

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