Thursday, May 5, 2011

2nd Mini Outreach

Hey everybody!  We just finished our second mini outreach in Iquitos this last weekend and everything went really well.  We are really tired right now but we are doing pretty well.  So this last weekend our team of thirty broke up into two teams of 15 with three leaders each.  It started Friday at around noon and ended Sunday night at about 11:30.  It was a bit of a grueling schedule but I really think it was a good experience.  Throughout the weekend we held various dramatic arts programs in parks, streets, a church that was hosting us, and even a women´s prison.  For each of these programs we did coreographies to draw in crowds and then we were able to share the gospel through different dramas and gospel presentations at the end.  I especially enjoyed our time in the women´s prison because we got a chance to play volleybal with the inmates which was really amazing.   I got the chance to preach a short sermon to a group of sawmill workers and overall it was warmly received.  Afterwards I was able to talk to a middle aged man named Dernel and encourage him to to start going to church.  He was familiar with the church we were working with so he came Sunday night to one of the services.  I was also able to procure a bible for him and when  I  gave it to him, it was amazing to see just how much it meant to him.  If you could keep him in your prayers I would appreciate it.  Pray that Christ is able to get a hold of his life so that he can lead his family and also be a leader in his work and community.  Mindy also got a chance to preach a small message this weekend and she did quite well.  She thought she was going to preach to a group of teenagers and adults but it ended up being a group of 40 children and almost no adults.  She was a bit stressed as she had to make some adjustments at the last minute but she did a great job.   God was really amazing throughout this time and He really got us through when we were tired and worn out.  Thanks to all of you who were praying for us for this time. 

Mindy has not been feeling well these last couple of days with a head cold and joint pain so please pray for her. Also pray that the Lord would continue to sustain us as we are feeling tired and many in are group are sick including one leader with dengue. Pray also for next week as our base is hosting the national conference for YWAM Peru next week.  We love you all and we miss you greatly.

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