Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Great Begining

Tomorrow we set off for Guatemala.  We will be traveling around for four weeks.  We will start by spending a week in Antigua.  Then we will spend several days around Lake Atitlan.  Next we will be going to the big market at Chichicastenango.  From there we will make our way to Lake Izabal where we plan on discovering secret hot waterfalls.  Finally, we will spend a day climbing the ruins at Tikal.  After Tikal we will be meeting up with Kallie and Shane for two weeks.  Then its off to Peru. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you have set up a blog. It will be fun to vicariously experience some of your travels and time in Peru. I know God has great things in store for both of you individually and for your marriage. My prayers will follow you where ever you are. Bon voyage!
