Thursday, August 4, 2011

The End

Last Friday we got back from our last jungle trip, and it was a good one.  We had the privilege of working with a great team from Brookwood Church in South Carolina.  Three weeks ago we went on a scouting trip to an unknown community called Cerro.  Everything went well so last week we returned to Cerro with the team from Brookwood.  In Cerro we held a VBS, did a soccer camp for kids, and also dug two wells.  The first well was dificult because the soil was so hard.  It took three days to finish the first well and only one day on the second.  It was really cool to be able to do this for this community because they don't have any believers.  We were able to hold a well dedication ceremony where we were able to present the gospel and we are hoping to one day be able to plant a church in this community.  Everything went really smoothly and we really had a lot of fun. Unfortunatley it was our last trip with Julio and Yola and we will deeply miss them when we leave here.  They have been very good to us and we are so thankful for everything they have done for us.  They are amazing people and we know that God is going to continue to bless their ministry. 

Tuesday of this week was also a great day because the rest of our team returned from outreach.  It was great to get to see Annie and the rest of our friends and so far this week has been a blast.  Our graduation is on Friday night and then we will begin the three day trip home on Saturday.  Please pray for safety as we travel.  We love you all and we will see you soon.