Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fun in the sun

We are now at the half way point in the lecture phase of our DTS, and we can´t wait for our outreach.  We have been learning a lot any while not everything has been easy, we are doing pretty well.  Last weekend we went to the a small river village for a mini outreach, and it went really well.  We got there mid afternoon on Friday and stayed to Sunday afternoon.  We held several services in cooperation with the local church, and everything went really well.  For both services we put on dramas to help share the message of the redemptive power of Christ Jesus.  I acted in the second drama which is called Champion.  It is a drama about the spiritual battle between heaven and hell.  It is a powerful drama with a powerful message and we believe it was well received.  On Saturday we also held a childrens event that included singing, dancing, playing games, and clowns.  Unfortunately, both Mindy and I were among the lucky ones selected to be clowns.  We did it with good attitudes but it was difficult.  I personally cannot stand clowns but it was a good experience because it pulled us out of our comfoft zone.  The kids really seemed to enjoy it and we had a lot of fun as well.  Later that night we got to play a friendly game of soccer against the young men in the village and to our astonishment, the gringos actually won.  We had a lot of fun but it is difficult being in the Amazon jungle.  It is extremely hot and the mosquitoes are horrendous.  Luckily, we were smart enough to bring a tent instead of jungle hammocks like some of our school mates.  They did not fare so well at night.  Many people had their hammocks break during the night and other just simply could not sleep because it is so uncomfortable.  All in all it was a good weekend but we were sure excited to get back to the base on Sunday and take a shower. 

We are still in the process of deciding exactly where each team will be going for the outreach phase.   We face many logistical difficulties given the fact that we are a large group so most likely, we will be splitting into three smaller outreach teams.  We know it has to happen but we are sad that we most likely will not be on the same team as our other married friends.  Over this time we have grown close with the other two couples.  They are both great and we really enjoy spending time with them. 

Our group could use prayer in several areas:
-Pray that we would maintain unity as it can be difficult at times to live in community.
-Pray that God would reveal to our team where exactly He wants us to go for outreach. 
-Pray for our friend Ally who recently contracted Denge fever.  She is having a rough time and could use prayer. 
-Pray for the general health of the team as many people are feeling tired and sick.
-Pray that we would be effective in sharing the gospel and blessing the city of Iquitos in our upcoming mini outreach.

We love you all and miss you very much. 

Charlie and Mindy Jackson